Friday, April 14, 2006

[NW2004s] - 905856 Failed SDM command execution

apply sdm patches

1. uncar sdm.jar file to a temp dir
2. stop server and switch to standalong mode
sdm.bat jstartup "mode=standalone"
3. goto temp dir in step 1
run update.bat
parameter SDM install directory=G:\usr\sap\BWJ\DVEBMGS00\SDM\program
4. switch back to integrated mode
sdm.bat jstartup "mode=integrated"


SDM command execution fails with the errors:

ERROR: Another SDM is running already for this SDM_HOME directory. Exiting.

Processing error. Return code: 4


SDM is integrated in JStartupFramework. No repository changing commands are possible.

Processing error. Return code: 4

Other terms

Failed SDM command

Reason and Prerequisites

The reason of the fisrt error:

There is a started SDM server on the system. All SDM commands have to be executed when there is no started SDM server.

The reason of the second error:

The executed command can be run only if SDM is in standalone mode.


Solution for the first error:

Stop the started SDM server as you use jcmon (for Windows and UNIX) or MMC (for Windows), if it is in integrated mode or follow the next steps:

1.Open a console to the system.

2.Go to /usr/sap///SDM/program


StopServer.bat (for Windows)

./ (for UNIX)

Solution for the second error:

Follow the next steps:

1.Open a console to the system.

2.Go to /usr/sap///SDM/program


sdm.bat jstartup "mode=standalone" (for Windows)

./ jstartup mode=standalone (for UNIX)

It will be better to return SDM in the initial state after the command execution.

To set SDM mode to integrated (if SDM has been in it), use the steps:

1.Open a console to the system.

2.Go to /usr/sap///SDM/program


sdm.bat jstartup "mode=integrated" (for Windows)

./ jstartup mode=integrated (for UNIX)

To start SDM server (if it has been started), use again jcmon (for Windows and UNIX) or MMC (for Windows) if SDM is in integrated mode or follow the next steps:

1.Open a console to the system.

2.Go to /usr/sap///SDM/program


StartServer.bat (for Windows)

./ (for UNIX)